Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Minuteman Missile Sites,SD

This is the Missile launch facility where they have remote control over the launch of 10 missiles. There are no missiles located at the control center.

Ultra high frequency antenna at the launch facility. They have control with all the remote missile sites hardwired, and radio contact. In the event the ground control cannot launch missiles they can be remote launched from signals from aircraft.

Control pod access door underground 30 feet below the control building. They described the "control pod" to be the yoke in the egg, the yoke was able to move independently in the "egg" up to 3 feet in any direction in the event of a nuclear explosion shock wave.

Inside the control pod where at any given time there are two officers with access to launch controls.

The red box with the two locks contains the launch keys and each of the two officers have a separate combination and the launch key switches were over 12' apart so one person could not activate launch by themselves.

This is the actual missile silo site out in the middle of the prairie. Not much to see that would reveal what it is. The missile is launched along with 9 others by the control center miles away.

Minuteman II in its silo.

Heavy concrete slide door covering silo that normally opens on a rail and gear drive. During an actual launch the door is blown open with explosives.

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